Within the sterile halls of Grady Hospital, where hope fades amidst the scent of antiseptic and worry, there are stories that echo deeper than the sterile surfaces. The patients come seeking cures, their ailments a tapestry woven from physical pain. Yet, within these sacred spaces, secrets seethe. Shadows linger in the wardrooms, and sometimes, the… Read More

Les journalistes revendiquent le libre accès à toutes les sources d’facts et le droit d'enquêter librement sur tous les faits qui conditionnent la vie publique. A plusieurs reprises, j’appelle le patron de l’entreprise sous-traitante qui m’emploie. Pas de réponse. Je parle de ma problem à un responsable du centre de tri de la Poste : … Read More

The world of mental health care in New Zealand encompasses a variety of methods towards healing. Yet, among the multifaceted practices, a few ones have a cloud of debate hanging over them. Mainly among these are psychiatric abuses, imposed confinements, chemical restraints, and the employment of electroshock therapy. One principal form of psycholo… Read More